Monday, January 30, 2017

Weekly Happenings 1.30-2.3

Hello! I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Here's what's happening:

Writing: The students have been working hard to finish their drafts! They will use this week to revise and edit their drafts! We will celebrate their writing on Friday!

Reading: The students have been put into two teams, loyalists and patriots. They will work together to develop reasons and evidence to support their side of the debate. They will also come up with questions for the other side. The debate will be on Friday.
Please make sure your child is reading 20 minutes each night. This is very important to their reading success.

Word Study: Their tests are scheduled for Wednesday, February 8.

Science: We are continuing to learn about the properties of matter. The students will work in stations assessing their knowledge this week. They will also expand their knowledge on density by making lava lamps.

Math: We will wrap up chapter 9 this week. They will spend more time practicing how to add and subtract mixed numbers. They will also learn how to multiply mixed numbers by a whole number. Their test will be this Friday.

Important Dates:
2.3 - Math Test
2.8 - Spelling Test

Pajama Day!

Patriots v. Loyalists!

The students are working together to gather evidence for their side of the debate!

Ability Awareness Day

We loved Ability Awareness Day! The students learned more about Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, visual imparments, and limb differences. Here are some pictures from the visual imparment presentation.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Weekly Happenings 1.23-1.27

Hello! I hope everyone was able to enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend!

Here's what's happening:

Writing: The students have been working on researching and drafting their first two chapters. This week, they will learn to write a historical narrative. They will also write an essay that explains the importance of their focus topic.

Reading: The students will continue researching the causes of the Revolutionary War. They will also begin researching for a class debate. Our class will split into two groups: patriots and the loyalists. Each group will find evidence to support their side of the war.
Please make sure your child is reading 20 minutes each night. This is very important to their reading success.

Word Study: Their tests are scheduled for Wednesday, February 8.

Science: We are continuing to learn about the properties of matter.  This week we will focus on how matter can be combined to create mixtures and solutions. We will also explore how density works. Instead of a test, the students will work in different stations that assess their knowledge.

Math: I am very impressed with the students' test scores! They worked so hard to understand fractions! This chapter the students will learn how to add and subtract fractions with like denominators. They will also learn how to multiply mixed numbers. There test will be next Friday. Please continue to practice multiplication facts with your child at home!

Important Dates:
1.25 - Early Release
1.27 - Ability Awareness Day
2.3 - Math Test

Final Exploration

The students had a great final day with Mrs. Jardon! They got Lewis and Clark inspired snacks, played BINGO and learned more information about the explorers! 

Taking up Space

The students practiced finding the volume of 3D shapes! 

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Weekly Happenings 1.17-1.20

Hello! I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend!

Here's what's happening:

Writing: The students have been researching and writing about the causes of the revolutionary war. They will focus on one cause to elaborate on in their writing. This week they will wrap up researching and focus on getting their drafts completed.

Reading: The students are continuing to learn how to research a topic. They will be using multiple sources to get their notes from, which they will have to synthesize. They will also study primary sources. Also, please make sure your child is reading 20 minutes each night. This is very important to their reading success.

Word Study: Their tests are scheduled for Wednesday, January 18.

Science/Social Studies: We are continuing to learn about the properties of matter. They will learn how to find the volume of regular and irregular shapes. They will also learn how to measure the mass of an item. Instead of a test, the students will work in different stations that assess their knowledge.

Math: We will wrap up chapter 8 this week. They will learn how to write proper and improper fractions. Their test is this Friday.

Important Dates:
1.18 - Math Test
1.25 - Early Release
1.27 - Ability Awareness Day

Lewis and Clark

We had a Lewis and Clark expert come in to teach the students! They all learned so many fun facts from Mrs. Jardon! 

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Monday, January 9, 2017

Weekly Happenings 1.9-1.13

Hello! I hope everyone had a good holiday season! I can't wait for a full week of learning!

Here's what's happening:

Writing: We are starting an informational writing unit. The students will be researching and writing about the causes of the revolutionary war. They will focus on one cause to elaborate on in their writing. This week the students will spend most of their time planning and researching!

Reading: To help with their writing, the students will be learning how to research and take notes on historical events. This week they will review how to find the text structure. They will also practice taking notes which focus on who, where, and when.

Word Study: Their tests are scheduled for Wednesday, January 18.

Science/Social Studies: We have a Lewis and Clark expert coming to talk to the students during a few days this week. She will teach them many new, exciting facts about the Lewis and Clark Expedition. While she is not here, we will begin the next science unit. This chapter covers the properties of matter.

Math: The students will be working on fractions this week. They will learn to find an equivalent fraction and how to simplify fractions. They will also learn how to compare and order fractions. Their test will be next Friday, January 20. It is very important the students are fluent with their multiplication facts. Please continue working on these at home. Thank you!

Important Dates:
1.16 - No School, MLK Day
1.18 - Math Test

Happy New Year!

After making goals for 2017, the students reflected on what made 2016 great! They all had so many amazing things happen in 2016!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Mathematical Snowmans

The students worked together to create snowmen. They had to follow a specific budget and could not go over a specific weight. Their snowmen turned out great!