Hello! I hope everyone had a good weekend! It was great hearing about all the outdoor activities our class did this weekend!
Here is what's happenings this week:
Writing: The students will continue drafting their realistic fiction story. They will get some time to draft and revise their work. We will also work on writing an ending that wraps up the story and shows the character learning a lesson.
Word Study: The students received their words today. They will get a copy to keep at home tomorrow. During word study, the students will either meet with me to practice their sort or work on different spelling activities with their words. As of now, all groups will test Wednesday, September 27. Please study with your child before each spelling test.
Social Studies: We will be looking at the different regions of America and discuss how the region affected the Native American cultures. The students will create a poster in class highlighting the different cultures and tribes.
Math: This week, the students will learn how to subtract across multiple zeros. They will also practice addition and subtraction word problems. Their chapter 2 test will be this Friday. Expect the study guide to come home Wednesday.
Reading: We will continue to focus on reading fiction books. The students will work to build ideas about their characters, such as character traits, change, and point of view. Please make sure your child is reading at home each night. They will use their independent books to practice a lot of these new skills. Feel free to have your child tell you about the characters in their book!
Important Dates:
9.13 - Early Release, dismiss at 1:40
Buddy Assembly and Meeting
9.22 - No School