Here is what's happenings this week:
Writing: The students are creating another informational book! This will be on a topic of their choosing. This week the students will work on researching and planning their drafts.
Reading: We will continue to work on reading non-fiction. They will use some of their reading time researching the topic they've chosen to write about! Please continue to make sure you child is reading at least 20 minutes at night. They have a pink reading log that needs to be filled out daily and signed by an adult weekly. Thank you for your help with this!
Word Study: Their test is this Wednesday.
Social Studies: We are moving back to social studies for the next few weeks! This week we will learn how pioneers lived and explored west. We will also learn about Missouri becoming a state.
Math: I am so proud of all their test grades! They did great on their fraction test! The next chapter will cover decimals. This week we will focus on how to read and write decimals up to the hundredths place value.
Important Dates:
2.14 - Valentines Day Party
2.15 - Early Release and Jump Rope for Heart
2.20 - No School, President's Day
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