Here is what's happenings this week:
Writing: We are continuing to work on poetry! This week the students will write poems that include personification. They will also practice writing haiku poems. Toward the end of the week, the students will choose a couple poems to revise and publish. These poems will go into a grade level poetry book.
Reading: We are still taking time to practice test taking strategies. This week we will focus on answering questions about non-fiction texts. We will work on text structure, main idea, and supporting details.
Word Study: We will spend a couple more days learning different grammar rules. We will then use this time for extra math review to prepare for the MAP test.
Social Studies: We will continue studying the causes of the Civil War. We will also play an Underground Railroad virtual game. The game follows a slave who is escaping on the Underground Railroad. The students will make decisions for this character along the way. Depending on the decisions, their character may make it to freedom or be sent back to the south.
Math: We will continue to work on geometry! This week we will continue practicing how to use a protractor to measure and draw angles. We will also learn the different types of triangles and quadrilaterals. Their test will be next Wednesday.
Important Dates:
4.14 - No school
4.20-4.26 - MAP testing
4.20-4.26 - MAP testing
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